Class Year: 2024-2025 Time: Thu 10:00 am - 01:00 pm; Teacher:Michael Elder Tuition: Remaining Tuition (after deposit) $585 / Year or $65 / Month for 9 Months (September - May) Supply Fee: Deposit and Supply Fee $165 - Due Upon Registration (Non-Refundable after August 1) Location: Northwest (Cypress)
Tuition: Course Tuition (including supply fee) is $750
$165 payment and Mr. Elder’s physics course registration form is due at registration or by August 1st to hold the student’s place in the class. This payment is non-refundable after August 1st. The remaining $585 can be paid out over 9 months at $65 per month (September through May).
Note: Tuition can be paid in full $750/year at registration if desired or split as described above. Withdrawal fee after 9/15/24 is 3 months of tuition.
Physics is a comprehensive fast-paced, advanced, honors study of God’s physical creation where we will be using laboratory exercises, modeling, and projects that will build a mathematical and conceptual feel for physics. In this course we will be primarily covering first year advanced physics concepts such as kinematics, projectile motion, dynamics, circular motion, rotation, momentum, & energy. We will also explore concepts in thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism, electromagnetism, and modern physics.
Physics is a full lecture and laboratory course, including testing and weekly homework assignments, that will earn 1 high school advanced honors science credit. The class meets once weekly for 3 hours.
Laboratory exercises hone skills in deduction, reasoning, and problem solving, allowing the student to develop a deeper intellectual approach to their study of science. Experiments, projects, and accompanying calculations and analysis will allow the students to see physics in action in their everyday lives.
Pre-Requisites: The study of Physics requires a solid understanding of high school math. Students should have successfully completed Geometry, Algebra I, and Algebra II before attempting this class. The student should also be enrolled in Pre-Calculus, as much of the problem solving will require an understanding of trigonometry.
Homework: 1-1.5 hrs/day
Textbook: Bob Jones, Physical Science 4th Ed. Physics
Only the student textbook is to be purchased. You must bring your textbook to the first day of class.
**Sections A and B are the same course taught at different times. Please only register for one of them.