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Science Honor Society



PREP Chapter 1251

PREP Classes is the only homeschool charter that the Science National Honor Society, Inc. has awarded.  The SNHS exists "to promote scientific knowledge and innovation to students and the community, to encourage students to pursue study of science, engineering, and mathematics in college, and provide them with new, innovative, and unique programs to enhance their skills.  It will also help them to understand the importance of integrity, creativity, and leadership in the modern world of scientific research, business, and academia.  Scholarship opportunities through the organization are awarded annually.

Tutoring offered by SNHS Members to PREP Students

Your PREP Science National Honor Society students are offering free tutoring sessions in Math and Science and new this year, tutoring in writing and speech preparation for PREP classes.  This service is on a first come first serve basis at both campuses. Parents go online and fill out the specific form (link is below) for the help needed by your student. Students will be matched with a SNHS student who will be able to help. This is limited to time and availability of the SNHS tutors. If after a few meetings a more permanent tutoring schedule is desired, one may be set up with student tutors and parents will pay a fee to the tutor ($12/hour). Tutoring is done in the study hall room. Study hall charges do apply. If you have questions, please reply to this email. The links are below to sign up for this opportunity.

SNHS Tutoring Sign Up (Click Here)


Membership Requirements

  • All candidates for membership must be in the 10th-12th year of secondary school education. (see Junior Members below)
  • Candidates for membership must demonstrate superior scholarly achievement by submission of either one of a qualifying 90th percentile standardized test score.   (PSAT, SAT, IOWA; Stanford; ACT) Or document a 3.5 GPA in PREP Classes math and PREP Classes science with math and science teachers' recommendations. 
  • Members must maintain a GPA of at least 3.5 in math and in science subjects to remain eligible for SNHS.
  • Candidates for membership must have completed at least one previous high school PREP Classes honors science class and be currently enrolled in a second or subsequent PREP Classes honors science class.
  • Members are expected to attend at least 5 of the 8 regular meetings that will be held annually.
  • Each member will be expected to pay yearly membership dues of $20.
  • Each member will complete 10 hours of approved community service per year of membership.

Junior members are accepted in their 9th grade year, if their GPA is 3.5 in math and in science, they have completed one high school PREP Classes honors science class and are enrolled in their second PREP Classes honors science course.  Junior members may serve on committees but not as officers.

PREP Classes Students are invited to apply in August.

What our students say about their experience in SNHS

They say that you become a great leader by being around great leaders. While I'm still working toward being a great leader, I think this quote summarizes the experience of  SNHS perfectly. Since SNHS is student run, the officers have set an amazing example of leadership through their ability to successfully organize service projects, meetings, and fundraising events. Membership in SNHS not only gives a great example of leadership, but also service.  Through the service projects and volunteer opportunities, I have become more connected with my community. SNHS has hosted speakers from the scientific community, allowing opportunities to learn about the applications of science in the real world.. Lastly, I have been able to grow as a student. By serving, planning, and leading with students that are striving for excellence in school, I have been able to grow in my leadership, service, and academics. SNHS has been one of the best parts of PREP for me, and I would encourage everyone to join! - Aubrey
I love this honor society because it is highly student-led and very organized.  I have grown in communication, leadership, and within my personal relationships. - Abby
The Science National Honor Society has been a huge blessing for me! It's a great place to grow and serve, and to learn more about how to bring the science we've learned out of the classroom and into the world. - Grace