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Class Info

Latin: High School 2 - Online

Class Year:  2022-2023
Time:  Wed 11:00 am - 12:30 pm;
Teacher:  Jennifer Jones
Tuition:  $60 / Month
Supply Fee:  None

Class day & time may be modified depending on student families’ needs/availability.

This class is a continuation of High School Latin 1 in which the student studied from Henle First Year Latin at PREP Classes. Students entering from another program will be asked to take an entrance exam to ensure readiness and success.

We will quickly review nouns, adjectives, and personal pronouns, then spend a bit more time reviewing the present system of tenses for the four verb conjugations. Following this we will pick up at Lesson 16 which comprises all of Unit Four and continue working forward from there. Students will continue to manage their time each week memorizing new vocabulary, paradigms, and grammar while working through homework.

Since this class meets online, I wait to set the day and time until I have several interested families, at which time I poll each family to find which day/time works best. Class meets for 90 minutes one time per week. I assign homework for students to complete prior to the start of the next class. Sometimes this homework consists of exercises (in worksheet format), other times it consists of watching a short video that explains a Latin grammar concept accompanied by some short exercises. Those weeks are often followed by a class in which we work on translating together in class. My goal is mastery, so I urge students to partner with me in doing their part each week (memory work, completing their exercises, etc.) and I make myself available to them when questions arise between classes. I want students to be successful and will help them however I can.

Tuition is $60 per month due by the first class of each month and may be paid via PayPal or Zelle. There is no supply fee. I will email interested families with more details concerning quizzing/testing and grade reports. Feel free to contact me with questions at

Book details:

  • Henle First Year Latin* (isbn: 0-8294-1026-0)
  • Henle Latin Grammar (isbn: 0-8294-0112-1) (required) (should already own from last year)
  • Henle FYL Companion, Volume 1  (Volume 1) (required) (should already own from last year)
  • Henle FYL Companion, Volume 2 (Volume 2) (required – but not until mid-year)

Students need a computer with internet access for this class. We sometimes use cameras, but a camera is not required.

In the fall semester, students will be offered to register for the National Etymology Exam. During the spring semester, students will be offered the National Latin Exam. These exams are registered on the National Association of Secondary School Principals’ (NASSP) list of approved contests. I believe they add educational value to a student’s high school transcript and encourage students to sit for these exams.

*Regarding First Year Latin:  Although a superior text, this book has not been updated nor digitized since its publication in the 1940's.  Due to its small print and old design, important information does not always stand out in a clear way to students.  Over my years of teaching this text, I have written and compiled a Companion that more clearly elucidates its concepts.  Students spend more time in this Companion than they do with the actual text.  For this reason, I see no reason why you must purchase a new copy.  A used copy from Amazon would suit your student's needs just fine.  More than anything, students use the text for the vocabulary index in the very back.